Notice of Intent
SDG&E’s Total DA Load Allowance is 3,942 GWh.
All certified 6-Month Notices to Transfer to Direct Access Service (6-Month Notices) received during the June 2024 enrollment period have been placed on the Y2025 Wait List. The Y2025 Wait List is in effect January 1, 2025 and expires December 31, 2025.
The next Direct Access Enrollment Period will be held the second full week of June 2025. SDG&E will begin accepting Six Month Notices to Transfer to Direct Access on Monday, June 9, 2025 at 9 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Customers or their authorized agents may submit Six Month Notices during the five (5) business days ending Friday, June 13, 2025 at 5 p.m. (PDT).
Accepted Six Month Notices will be entered into a lottery to determine their random numerical position in establishing the Wait List for any DA load that may become available under the Overall DA Cap during calendar year 2026.
On the last business day of each month, SDG&E will determine if there is room under the Overall Load Cap and notify the first customer on the Wait List that there is available space. SDG&E will provide additional information to the customer to complete the transfer to Direct Access. Should a customer decline the space offered, the customer will be removed from the Wait List and remain on utility bundled service.
For additional information, see SDG&E Rule 25.1 and California Public Utilities Commission Decision, D.12-12-026 dated December 20, 2012.